pH Sensor


pH Sensor

The pH sensor is capable of measuring the entire range of 0 - 14 pH and is used for various experiments in Biology, Chemistry and Environmental Science. This pH sensor can replace the traditional pH meter and in addition, it automatically collects the pH data and the pH changes during chemical reactions and displays these changes. The pH sensor is widely used in the field of research of land where farmers need to treat the soil for acidity or alkalinity based upon the pH value of soil. The pH value of vegetables and fruits suggest which fruit or vegetables are acidic or alkaline. We can choose accordingly for our diet.

Typical Experiment:
Measure pH data of rainwater.
Explore pH data of different liquid.
Explore pH data change during the acid-base neutralization reaction.
Explore enzyme activity.

Range: 0 ~ 14
Resolution: 0.003
Precision: 0.1